Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Too Precious!

Let me just say, I love this family! Sweet baby Jax's Mom and Dad have been my friends since my very first date way back in high school. Crazy! And now they have a precious little one. Jax was so fun to photograph. He is stinking CUTE, and seriously strong. He was so perceptive too...there was no way he was going to sleep for us. He will definitely be a smart one! Oh, and his mama, doesn't even look like she was ever prego! Seriously, just weeks after his birth, she is as skinny-mini as ever. Ok guys, please have ten more just like precious Jax...and then give one to me. Please? Think about it. :)

JaxBlog 1

JaxBlog 2

JaxBlog 3

JaxBlog 4

JaxBlog 5

JaxBlog 6

JaxBlog 7

JaxBlog 8

JaxBlog 9

JaxBlog 10

JaxBlog 11

JaxBlog 12

See, he honestly could have pushed himself right off my scale if he wanted to...strongest newborn ever! And sooo cute :)

JaxBlog 13

JaxBlog 14

JaxBlog 15